Henryetta’s Talon Weaver – Track Spotlight – Presented by Excel Therapy

By Trina Walker

Talon Weaver- Henryetta High School

Hearing his dad’s stories about running track drew Talon Weaver to the sport. With encouragement from his mom, who saw his potential, Talon joined track in the sixth grade. Now a junior at Henryetta High School, track and basketball play a significant role in his life.

Athletics have taught Talon discipline and helped him build a strong work ethic. In addition to the hard work of being on a team, he says competing is just fun and exciting. The best times are “bonding with your team and joking around with them,” said Talon.

Teammates like Jake Parish have made the best impression on him. “Jake was a great leader and a positive person,” hesaid.

Through sports Talon has leaned skills to prepare for life. With everything he has learned the best advice he says is “to trust my work and what I’ve done to prepare.”

As an athlete representing his school in two sports, Talon sees the support his community puts into the HHS athletics programs firsthand. He is appreciative of how they stand behind their athletes. This support makes moments like placing third at state in the 4×400 relay even more special.

The support of his family is also special to Talon. “My dad and grandpa, they both push me and invest their time into me so I can get the best out of myself,” he said. Talon gives thanks to God, his dad, mom, and grandpa for everything they have given to him.

Talon’s favorite teacher is Mr. Rusty Snyder, from sophomore and junior year. “I have him first hour and he’s always in a good mood.” 

The professional athlete he looks up to is NBA star Michael Jordan. He is a winner and a competitor, says Talon.

Life isn’t all about sports for Talon. When it comes to food nothing beats Doritos casserole. For a vacation he wants to visit Athens, Greece, with his dad so they can see it together.