You get the feeling as you talk to Eufaula High senior softball player Kadie Jo Tidwell that for her, teammates and the relationships she has made over four years are as much or more important than individual accomplishments in softball.
“The thing I like best about softball is the time spent with my teammates. I’ve enjoyed seeing so many of the young girls step up this year since we lost a lot of familiar faces that we’ve played with for a long time and us seniors having to take on new leadership roles.”
Her coach Ryan Green talked about her unselfish approach to softball and life.
“She’s always done anything that’s asked of her. She plays outfield for us in slow pitch and catcher in fast pitch. She’s a great softball player, great competitor and a great teammate. And away from softball, she’ll do anything she can to help others.”
In addition to softball, FFA has been a big part of Kadie Jo’s life.
“I’ve grown up in an agricultural setting so getting into FFA was pretty natural for me,” said Kadie Jo. “I’ve been an officer in the local chapter all four years in high school and am currently the treasurer. I give speeches and help plan and organize our FFA activities and help supervise kids on our trips.”
That FFA background will figure in to her future as well as she plans to attend Eastern State College and get into meat judging.
Kadie Jo started out in softball at around age 10 and credits former coach Jared Efurd (now the golf coach at EHS) with having a big influence on her.
“He’s been a super positive role model for me in athletics and with life lessons. My dad has also been a big influence for me as he taught me about having a good work ethic and that you have to work for what you want in life and not sit around waiting for it to come to you.”
The Lady Ironheads went to the fast pitch state tournament last fall which was a big highlight for Kadie Jo.
“It was insane getting to play on that big field at state in front of all the fans who traveled to support us there and it really made you appreciate the hard work that everyone put in to get there.”
The hard work and dedication are traits Kadie Jo hopes she’ll be remembered for after she graduates.
“I’d like to be remembered as someone who worked hard and wasn’t afraid to fail and was always there as a teammate if they needed someone to talk to.”