Keys’ Kallie Dougherty – Softball Spotlight – Presented by Tahlequah Family Vision

Sophomore Kallie Dougherty has emerged as a standout softball player at Keys High School. Her introduction to the sport began at an early age. “I started playing softball when I was around five or six, and after that, I fell in love with the sport,” she shared. This early passion was fueled by watching her sister play. “My sister also grew up playing softball and I always went to her softball games growing up. My sister would probably be the reason I wanted to play softball.”

Kallie’s role on the team is pivotal in maintaining team spirit and supporting new players. “My role on the team this year is probably going to be keeping everyone’s energy high and picking up all the new players coming in this season.”

Her goals for the season are ambitious yet attainable. “My biggest goal for this year’s season is to make it to the state tournament which I’m very confident in our ability to do so.” 

Facing and overcoming challenges is part of Kallie’s journey. “I’ve overcome this struggle [failure] by having a short memory on the field and going to work on the mistakes after the game.”

To younger players, Kallie’s advice is simple yet profound: “Never compare yourself to other players. Time will tell and it will be worth all the hard work in the end.”

Kallie looks up to her dad as her biggest role model. “He has always been by my side through all the hitting slumps, all the mistakes, but has never given up on me. He always pushes me to be the best and even better.” Outside of softball, Kallie enjoys hunting, fishing and being outdoors. 

Her gratitude extends to her coach, Amy Hamilton, as well. “I would like to thank my Coach Hammy for always believing in me when it felt like nobody else did. I couldn’t have been where I’m at today without you! I love you, Hammy!” Looking ahead, Kallie Dougherty sees a future in softball and academics. “I see myself playing softball and going to college to get a degree in radiology.”