Hilldale’s Dawson Fields – Football Spotlight – Presented by Economy Pharmacy 



Always a team first guy, Dawson Fields will be changing jersey numbers for his junior year as the Hilldale Hornets get ready for the 2024 season. Having started at quarterback until he was injured last year, Fields will find himself at the wide receiver spot this year with the emergence of sophomore Talon Schaffer who took over quarterback when Fields went down last year.

“I loved quarterbacking and I always wanted to be a quarterback, but I think skill wise I do better at receiver and I want to put the team first, so if moving there puts us in a better position, I’m all for it,” said Fields, who also plays basketball and runs track for the Hornets.

He’ll also be playing safety for the first time ever, which has been a learning experience.

“It was new when I started but I think I’m starting to get it and realize that I’m not the fastest guy on the field,” he laughed.

His head coach David Blevens appreciates Dawson’s unselfish attitude and is already seeing what the move could mean for the Hornet offense.

“Dawson has gotten bigger and stronger, and his upside is so huge. We went to a 7-on-7 tournament recently and took third place and he really high balled a couple of catches against Checotah and Grove.”

Though he’s just a junior Dawson is firmly established as one of the team leaders which he displays through his work ethic and consistency.

“I think being there every day sets an example for the younger kids and a leader has to keep the team going in a game no matter the score or how tired you might be. Being a little older I think I can be a big help to Talon as he takes over quarterback and he and I have been working together a lot.

I hope to get a couple of touchdown catches each game and help us win. I think our team has a lot of potential if we continue to work hard and I think we can make a playoff run this year,” said Fields.